Tell me
Just speak the words
That may break or heal my world
Speak as if given a truth serum
And say the words that I know were to come
I've prepared my heart for the words of a double edged sword
That I knew would leave me battered
But you see I've built a wall
Real large and tall
To withhold the contents of my inner parts
So that its not toyed around like an invaluable art
Tell me
So that the unexpected can become what I expected
Tell me
So that I'm not sitting here pondering, and hoping
That love stories and fantasies do coexist
In a world filled with murderers and sadists
So tell me the words
that lie in the center of your world
That is ready to unfold
In the front of my palisade
Where I await the letters of your parade
And don't make it like a masquerade
In which I cannot see the true contents of your face
Just tell me...
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